A Safe and Convenient School Transport Service
We know how important it is for students to be able to start and end their day with a journey that runs smoothly, which is why we offer a comprehensive bus service across twelve strategic routes throughout the city.
Our buses cover key neighbourhoods including Santa María, Costa del Este, Punta Pacífica, San Francisco, Obarrio, El Cangrejo, Ave. Balboa, Bella Vista, Embassy, Versalles, Clayton, Albrook, and Cardenas, ensuring convenient and widespread accessibility for all our students.
Our bus drivers are both qualified and vetted, and the service is led by a team of onboard bus monitors. These monitors supervise the students as they commute to school, maintain a high standard of behaviour, and ensure that every student travelling on the service arrives at their destination promptly and safely.
Morning and afternoon travel provides children with an opportunity to reflect, to socialise with their friends, and develop appropriate independence. One out of every two King's College Panama students opts for our bus service: a testament to the reliability and efficiency of this excellent transportation network.
A limited bus service is also available for students attending after school extracurricular activities.